Robots Learning New Skills through GenAI

Robots Learning New Skills through GenAI

In the quiet, unassuming suburbs of Los Altos Hills, California, a unique story of resilience and innovation unfolds. Henry and Jane Evans, residents of this tranquil neighbourhood, have long been acquainted with unusual guests in their home. Their journey into the...
Google Maps Uses AI for EV Charger Info

Google Maps Uses AI for EV Charger Info

Google Maps and Waze are ushering in a new era of convenience for electric vehicle (EV) drivers with their latest updates. These enhancements not only simplify route planning but also address the unique needs and concerns of EV users. A couple of years ago, Google...
Generative AI Challenges: Deepfakes, Bias, Misinformation

Generative AI Challenges: Deepfakes, Bias, Misinformation

As we step further into the digital age, one phenomenon stands out amidst the sea of technological advancements: the rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI). The buzz surrounding this groundbreaking technology evokes memories of the dot-com boom of the early...