AI Pilot Triumphs Over Human in DARPA Dogfight

Artificial intelligence is making remarkable strides in fields previously dominated by humans, with recent developments highlighting its potential in both military and recreational applications. One notable advancement comes from DARPA’s Air Combat Evaluation (ACE) program, which has successfully tested an AI pilot in a jet fighter against human opponents. This achievement underscores the ongoing effort to develop aerospace AI agents capable of performing safely and autonomously in high-stakes environments.

The image of human test pilots as maverick adventurers, popularised by films like “Top Gun: Maverick,” is far removed from the modern reality, especially in the context of DARPA’s rigorous standards. The agency’s objective is to create a machine-learning agent that can autonomously fly an aircraft without violating training rules. Neural networks, though powerful, are notorious for finding and exploiting unforeseen loopholes, making the stakes of controlling a real jet fighter extremely high. The AI’s success must therefore be measured not just by its performance, but by its adherence to safety and procedural integrity.

The jet fighter at the centre of this initiative is the X-62A Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft, or VISTA. Originally an F-16D (Block 30) two-seater, the aircraft has spent over three decades at the US Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards AFB, honing the skills of nearly a thousand students and staff members by simulating the flight characteristics of various aircraft. Its long history and adaptability made it an ideal candidate for the ACE program, leading to its redesignation as the X-62A in 2021.

Initial test flights under AI control began in December 2022, with human pilots on board to monitor and, if necessary, override the AI’s decisions. These early tests involved simulated adversaries, allowing the AI to refine its capabilities in a controlled environment. By September 2023, the program had logged 21 test flights, including the first-ever AI versus human aerial engagement within visual range, pitting the AI-controlled X-62A against a human-piloted F-16. This phase of the program saw over 100,000 lines of flight-critical software changes, reflecting an unprecedented pace of development.

William Gray, chief test pilot of VISTA and the USAF Test Pilot School, emphasised that the program’s goal extends beyond perfecting dogfighting techniques. While dogfighting was a critical challenge to solve, the broader aim is to apply the lessons learned to a wide array of tasks that autonomous systems can perform. This holistic approach ensures that the technology developed is versatile and robust, capable of adapting to various scenarios and challenges in the field of aerospace.

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